
Saturday, 5 May 2012

Tone with tomotoes

Whilst most people look to Australia for its enviable oceans, flawless weather and love of life, my original impressions were slightly different. Living in a run down hostel with 70 Europeans all sharing a single second hand cooker definitely didn't parallel, or share any minor resemblance, with the idyllic beach scenes from 'Home and Away.' For me it was more like Shameless in the sun as I stumbled over drunk people who were oblivious to their surroundings, and the person they were waking up to, just to use the toilet.

After a three hour walk from the airport, looking like the hunchback of Notre Dame, and one rough night under a park bridge, my boyfriend and I found ourselves checking into this estate inspired accommodation actually grateful for our new found residence. With the promise of work and desperate for money, we bundled into a dorm with a very cool French couple and hit the sack in hope of a feeling fresh for our first day on the farm. Apparently finding farm work was supposed to be difficult, how we managed to find work for the next day was a sure sign of good karma in my belief!

At 4:30 am the alarm rang and four heavy heads proceeded to scramble together some second hand farm clothes and wait in the yard for the work bus. Soon enough, a once white mini van, with only two working lights, turned up in the pitch black ready to take us to work. Struggling to open the van door, an experienced driver lifted and twisted the handle to successfully open it and reveal a few holes where chairs should have been and a floor filled with wrappers, empty bottles and the challenge to dig yourself a seat.

45 minutes later, and still no more awake, we reached the tomato farm just in time to see the sun rise. As segregated strips of bright orange and red overpowered the sky, I couldn't help but stand entranced by something so beautiful. It was an unforgettable moment for more than just the stunning sky. So distracted by the rays, I had completely missed this monster of a machine sneak up next to me. Convinced it was transformer inspired, this beast of a tractor managed to support two long arms which then went on to distribute two cleverly positioned seats down each of the rows on the farm. As the farmer directed us to take a seat, I knew it was going to be a good day. 

Three people were dedicated to one row with two people on the seats and one person walking behind. Picking the tomatoes and sending them up the shoot may sound like a simple task and to be honest, it generally was. Although this was the case, the consistent motions conveniently resembled the effect of a weights work out, using low weights and a high amount of reps. I had scored the jackpot, as well as a cheap gym, as every third row you would also indulge in half an hour of cardiovascular exercise as you ran and jumped between the rows whilst jamming to your ipod and catching a crazy tan (I loved my job!) 

Working on the farms also provided us with plenty of free fruit and vegetables. As everyone at the hostel worked on different farms, the kitchen was always filled with fresh goodies to choose from. This meant that I overdosed on salads daily and with great pleasure; they tasted great and saved the pennies! Throughout this adventure I managed to lose 5 kilos in four months whilst gaining plenty of definition and looked super toned. Most importantly I learnt how important it was to remain active no matter what line of work you are in. 

My opening paragraph may have been deceptive, although it wasn't a lie, as I still had a great time. I made friends for life and discovered the rumours were true; the oceans are enviable, the majority of weather is flawless and people do love life. Overall it was a great experience and highly recommended; it definitely made me an active traveller!