
Saturday, 5 May 2012

Tone with tomotoes

Whilst most people look to Australia for its enviable oceans, flawless weather and love of life, my original impressions were slightly different. Living in a run down hostel with 70 Europeans all sharing a single second hand cooker definitely didn't parallel, or share any minor resemblance, with the idyllic beach scenes from 'Home and Away.' For me it was more like Shameless in the sun as I stumbled over drunk people who were oblivious to their surroundings, and the person they were waking up to, just to use the toilet.

After a three hour walk from the airport, looking like the hunchback of Notre Dame, and one rough night under a park bridge, my boyfriend and I found ourselves checking into this estate inspired accommodation actually grateful for our new found residence. With the promise of work and desperate for money, we bundled into a dorm with a very cool French couple and hit the sack in hope of a feeling fresh for our first day on the farm. Apparently finding farm work was supposed to be difficult, how we managed to find work for the next day was a sure sign of good karma in my belief!

At 4:30 am the alarm rang and four heavy heads proceeded to scramble together some second hand farm clothes and wait in the yard for the work bus. Soon enough, a once white mini van, with only two working lights, turned up in the pitch black ready to take us to work. Struggling to open the van door, an experienced driver lifted and twisted the handle to successfully open it and reveal a few holes where chairs should have been and a floor filled with wrappers, empty bottles and the challenge to dig yourself a seat.

45 minutes later, and still no more awake, we reached the tomato farm just in time to see the sun rise. As segregated strips of bright orange and red overpowered the sky, I couldn't help but stand entranced by something so beautiful. It was an unforgettable moment for more than just the stunning sky. So distracted by the rays, I had completely missed this monster of a machine sneak up next to me. Convinced it was transformer inspired, this beast of a tractor managed to support two long arms which then went on to distribute two cleverly positioned seats down each of the rows on the farm. As the farmer directed us to take a seat, I knew it was going to be a good day. 

Three people were dedicated to one row with two people on the seats and one person walking behind. Picking the tomatoes and sending them up the shoot may sound like a simple task and to be honest, it generally was. Although this was the case, the consistent motions conveniently resembled the effect of a weights work out, using low weights and a high amount of reps. I had scored the jackpot, as well as a cheap gym, as every third row you would also indulge in half an hour of cardiovascular exercise as you ran and jumped between the rows whilst jamming to your ipod and catching a crazy tan (I loved my job!) 

Working on the farms also provided us with plenty of free fruit and vegetables. As everyone at the hostel worked on different farms, the kitchen was always filled with fresh goodies to choose from. This meant that I overdosed on salads daily and with great pleasure; they tasted great and saved the pennies! Throughout this adventure I managed to lose 5 kilos in four months whilst gaining plenty of definition and looked super toned. Most importantly I learnt how important it was to remain active no matter what line of work you are in. 

My opening paragraph may have been deceptive, although it wasn't a lie, as I still had a great time. I made friends for life and discovered the rumours were true; the oceans are enviable, the majority of weather is flawless and people do love life. Overall it was a great experience and highly recommended; it definitely made me an active traveller!

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Beating the buffet

Buffet is a two syllable word that, depending on the accent, sounds so eloquent yet never fails to make my heart sink. As mentioned before, if there is food around me I will eat it and this weakness is cruelly tested every time the offer of a buffet is made. After much deliberation on how to avoid or politely decline these invitations without seeming unsociable and psychotic I decided to come up with a strategy. Being the loser I am, I attempted various methods including starvation and arriving with a full stomach, both unsuccessful, and here is what I found worked for me:

- Eat little and often throughout the day. Whet you're appetite and you are less likely to overdo it and fill yourself up too quickly! Or if on a weekend try and make it early afternoon so you are not too hungry either side.

- Do not drink with your meal. Mixing fluid with my meal floods my insides leaving me feel hugely uncomfortable with the desire to puke uncontrollably. I drink water half an hour or so before hand and eat fruit for desert which depresses any dehydration!

- Fill up on salad and vegetables. Preferably without the sauce. They fill you up and have almost minus calories. If sauce is needed then I opt for a salsa or soy sauce because they are less calorific and still taste good! If at an Indian buffet then go for the veg and fish based curries or plain chicken tikka pieces as meat IS your friend!

- Stay away from carbs. They fill you up and are just plain evil! If you must, limit them and remember brown over white if the option is available, also sushi is acceptable because it is healthy and tastes amazing! The opposite applies for meat - white meat and grilled or stir fried pork are the good guys.

- Go to the gym either directly before or at least some point in the day to get your metabolism going - if not make sure you have been consistent with your workouts throughout the week.

- Jelly and fruit for desert if like me and you need to end on a sweet note! Toffee apples and cherry pie does not count.

- Slow down. People seem to forget that the empty food trays will be replaced, you will not miss out - if anything you will receive more or it was just not meant to be.

These techniques helped me out eat three grown men on more than occasion and I was highly satisfied with my intake on all accounts. I also learnt not to beat myself up. You are allowed to treat yourself but providing you find out what works for you and do not go crazy, the word treat won't even need to come into the meal description. It is just another meal!

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Be one with the wall

Hiring a dirt bike to drive across the south of Thailand had proved to be quite the experience. Our journey home had been suspended however, as at the spur of the moment, the small speed boat on the beach of Ao Nang, Krabi, held an invisible STOP HERE NOW sign above it. With no rush to get home, my boyfriend, previously referred to as Balloo, casually parked up and bought us two tickets to Railey beach. 

Upon hearing about some good rock climbing on Railey beach, we decided now was as good a time than ever to check it out. Considering my only experience with rock climbing consisted of a 6 ft climbing wall at the age of about seven, I was a little surprised when we arrived at a tiny booth on the beach, covered in odd looking shoes. Trying not to focus on the dated look of the hanging equipment surrounding me, I turned to face our instructor for the afternoon. I had previously had many debates with Balloo as he had always tried to convince me that rock climbers had the most impressive bodies but I had never seen any evidence of this, until now.

Standing at eye level, which is not unusual in Thailand, was a lady with one of the most lean and toned physiques I had ever come across. Later learning she was a mere 37 kilograms, the shear strength and power held in her tiny frame was one to intimidate the most aggressive of cage fighters and I was immediately sold to this form of exercise. Making the most of the scenery, we chose an outdoor wall with a sea view, which sounded pleasant enough, and within moments my backside was strapped up, my hands were chalked and I was being told to push from the legs. 

Trying not to be distracted by the monkeys accompanying me, I made my climb up the wall searching for holes to wedge my fingers in to and tiny ledges I could rest my weight on. The first two baby walls were completed without too much of a struggle and all in all I was happy with my progress with those toned triceps not too far from reach. Balloo had an impressive background in rock climbing so I paid no attention to him flying up the walls and plodded along in my own time trying hard to appreciate the stunning view of the sea, although I was more inclined to look up at the wall rather than the distance below. Still in shock at the 37 kg human rock belaying this grown man, I stepped up to a more advanced climb with the instructor repeatedly telling me there was no such word as can't. Distinctively brushing off her patronising motivational speech I began to climb.

Although I was continuously warned to push from the weight in my legs, the temptation to pull through my arms must have won on the first two climbs as they were shaking with fatigue now. This state of tiredness in less than an hour of climbing frightened me as I was stuck two thirds of the way up an advanced wall and I began to panic. Now understanding her persistence in abusing the word can't, I couldn't think of any other word to refer to and was getting aggravated at her choice to ignore it. Balloo sympathised with his distressed girlfriend in fear of her own patheticness and calmly told me to let our instructor take my weight and abseil down. As I begun doing this my heart sank as I had realised the defeat of my own mistakes.

Encouraging words directed at how great I had done made me more agitated at my failure to carry on until I understood that I had learnt from my mistakes quickly and before adapting an unhealthy habit. Along with the gorgeous scenery, a sense of adventure and inspiring physiques this new challenge was an exciting way to exercise, explore and could open up a lot of future opportunities with hiking and activities involving natural strength. This cardiovascular workout also increases your heart rate, burns fat and strengthens muscle. The extended motions stretch all of the limbs creating a lean look which works incredibly well for the more petite people! Regardless of your fitness level, unless you're James Franco, this is hardcore. Easily the most challenging workout I have come across to date and from this day on I am determined to be one with that wall!

As cliche as it sounds there should be no word as can't, it's an excuse for don't want to and is used far too much when it comes to experimenting with exercise!

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Paddle power

Growing up in the city, the word exercise has immediate assumptions of health clubs, running and for younger generations perhaps a local sports club. Those adventurous enough may have found a dance class or indulged in an attempt of boxercise but what with dense surroundings, a lack of free time and uncooperative weather, diversity isn't a practical option.

Before introduction, I'd already seen my boyfriends muay thai videos but when our first dates consisted of fire spinning on the beach, a trampoline in the park and a pay as you go phone, this side of the millennium,  I knew he was different. With his love of the outdoors I was soon subjected to cutting firewood, harness - free rock climbing and with my first outdoor bike ride covering 52 kilometers, you can imagine these were never half - hearted excursions. So when visiting him on the island, the suggestion of an hour in the kayak seemed like one of the lighter adventures.

In full view from Thongsala pier, Koh Phangan, a small deserted island sits with an open invitation. With nothing but sand and jungle, the plan was to kayak there, taking all of five minutes, have a wander and kayak back. However, in the two minute drive to the bay, this plan had changed and I found myself fully kitted with oars and a life jacket independently battling the supposedly sedate sea whilst he prepared his new mask and four foot fins for a go at free diving instead.

Under strict instructions to concentrate and not fixate on the serenity and drift away, as experienced in a previous surfing incident, I kept paddling and remained focused on my boundaries set by the paranoid partner. Being in shallower waters I expected an easy task however, the unsuspected mounts of seaweed and a deceiving current made it a far more challenging work out. Feeling the power through my shoulders, upper back, biceps and triceps, the reliability on keeping a strong core to keep me stable also required a surprising amount of effort from my legs as well. Being alone in the kayak, there was no possibility of whining to escape duty so I just soldiered through developing my stamina too.

As uncomfortable as this may sound, the strenuous exercise was completely disguised as I remained transfixed on the sea life, sunlight and the freedom of the ocean, not to mention catching a enviable tan! I hadn't realised the extent of the physical exertion until I returned to shore and was welcomed by the post work out ache which I am sadistically a fan of.

It may also be worth mentioning in another discovery that swimming with a life jacket is far harder than anticipated. Although I remained afloat, my range of movement was reduced to bobbing hysterically in hope of help from the current to take me closer to the kayak, which I am positive also helped to burn a few extra calories!

Other than surrounding yourself with active people, or finding a human Balloo as your boyfriend, this unexpected form of exercise helped me to realise that work outs do not always have to be regimented into specific routines for your day. As a traveller it is often easy to procrastinate, become lazy and take for granted the opportunities around you. Simple outings such as this help you maintain an active lifestyle, are kind to your savings and create some unforgettable new memories along the way.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Be your own lieutenant

Staying on a tropical island free from over crowded, if any, fitness centres, complete with idyllic scenery and overwhelmed by jungle, the option to reach for the shades and retire to the hammock is far too tempting. The natural reaction to avoid the heat or acknowledge the lack of facilities are not excusable, I've given up on excuses, and now having already achieved a marathon status, only running does not have to be the answer. As previously mentioned, my body became complacent and satisfied with the results from running, so again I had to shock it in to action and set a new goal; get toned. 

After streaming numerous you tube videos and wading through stacks of fitness magazines, obviously flicking straight past the pictures of flawless eight packed women, obstacles such as a lack of facilities, funds or even an innocent phobia of turning into a female hulk, were easily overcome. No longer needing to avoid a trudge through Tesco with a trolley full of assorted dumbbells to achieve my desired effect, I found the best equipment to help get strong was ME – a motivated and determined me of course!

Plyometric exercises use only your own body weight. Improving all motor skills as well as power, stamina and strength, incorporating as little as two exercises into my program began to completely change my body shape rather than just trimming the fat. Short bursts of this type of training also cut my workout time, helping ease the dread of starting, and was also a lot quicker to work my way through the sets then it was the kilometeres of running. After a cardiovascular warm - up I alternate plyometric exercises with basic conditioning such as squats and sit -ups before finishing with an all over body stretch to help elongate my muscles - the whole thing lasts about 45 minutes which is less time than it takes to drive around the Beverley roundabout at 8-am on a Monday morning! 

My personal favourite plyometric exercises include burpees, split jumps, straight jumps, mountain climbers and froggers to name a few. By doing 3 x 10 reps of each of the exercises left my heart pumping harder than 10 consecutive rides of Stealth at Thorpe Park but with an equal feeling of numbness in the legs and a sense of pride!

As these plyometric exercises are an intense cardiovascular workout, there was no fear of bulging biceps, just a confident beginning to a lean, toned figure whilst still watching the scale number decrease. Being the loyal, and stereotypical, apple fan, I found great exercises on apps such as Nike Training that have designed workout programs and helped guide me through each workout with technique advice and video demonstrations. It also helped mix up my workout plan without pondering about what to do each day. Is there anything my iPhone can't do?!

Although not everyone is accommodated on such an island, last gloat I promise, these exercises are perfect for travel, countryside, at home or outside and can still be used in the gym. Make your own boot camp, save your funds and still travel light, be your own lieutenant!